27 December 2009

Dimitri Mitropoulos / ISCM - Schoenberg. Serenade - 1949 .... Lukas Foss / Zimbler Sinfonietta - Bartok. Divertimento - 1955

Bela Bartok:  Divertimento for String Orchestra      Allegro non troppo - Molto adagio - Allegro assai     
The Zimbler Sinfonietta  conducted by  Lukas Foss       
Recorded: 1955 - Symphony Hall, Boston.  First LP issue: Siena Records  S 100-2

Arnold Schoenberg:  Serenade, op.24      March - Minuet - Variations - Sonnet by Petrarca - Dance Scene - Song (without words) - Finale
Warren Galjour, Baritone -   Ensemble of the International Society for Contemporary Music, New York -          
(Carl Brody, clarinet  - Eric Simon, bass-clarinet  - Sal Piccardi, mandolin  - John Smith, guitar -
Louis Krasner, violin  - Ralph Hersh, viola  - Seymour Barab, 'cello)   conducted by  Dimitri Mitropoulos
Recorded: December 1949.  First LP issue: Esoteric 501                                                                  2 files zip FLAC  Mega Download
Concert Hall  CM-2175  - 1962 Philips UK mastered/pressed.   Re-edited: May 2012          Sleeve-note >>>   


  1. Hello Frank: Thanks for your efforts with this transfer (and all the others, of course). I've really been enjoying this one. Delighted to have this in FLAC, too. You've been doing a great job keeping these recordings alive.

  2. Hey Frank...never got around to telling you just how good an upload this is...the Zimbler Sinfonietta was a superb orchestra and a real testament to the embarrassment of musical riches in Boston!

  3. Hello,

    Hope you won't mind, I have added a link to this post in my own post of the Serenade...

  4. Very kind of you to link my poor effort! Saw your upload of the 1962 Oiseau-Lyre Melos/Maderna. NB: I will be on BROADBAND in 10days...

  5. The Bartok Divertimento is a wonderful discovery for me. A work which is delightful, reflective and thoughtful. Fascinating to learn that the composer's son was the sound engineer for the recording.

  6. I'm looking for the record of Pierrot Lunaire conducted by Schoenberg.My email is colarusso@uol.com.br

  7. Sorry...don't have that 1941 recording. It had a UK issue as CBS Classics 61442 (September 1974 'Gramophone' review) & deleted in 1976. I really should have bought it at the time as it didn't 'turn-up' later-on...but have the 5LP Decca Schoenberg album reviewed in that issue..

  8. The recording of the Serenade is amazing.Maybe it is the first recording of the work.Louis Krasner, the violin player, made the premieres of Berg and Schoenberg's concerts.Thank you!!!

  9. Hello
    Would it be possible to re upload this to another file share now that megaupload has been killed off
    I have recently found your great site through Pristine Classics and am trying to catch up but slowly enough to enjoy each recording.
    Thank you

    1. I realise there are a number of older files still left stranded; in this instance I thought I no longer retained the WAVs: but have just found them on another oomputer - so will (if necessary) re-edit from those, as there may be a number of Ticks that previously were overlooked/unheard: but that takes time (ie: added to what I newly upload) - but will try to make this the next re-upload.

  10. Great reposting!!! much appreciated in FLAC format.

    1. One point with my older files is that they cannot be improved-upon - except removal of unheard, at the time, teensy-ticks (a few hundred, here!!).

      The sound/performances are wonderful (via my much-lamented Stanton CS100..) - and really doubt you could find a finer performance of the Divertimento...which is absolutely 'gripping'.

  11. Hi, is there any way you can re-upload this? It is a true gem that I am very eager to listen to

  12. The great jazz guitarist Johnny Smith is the guitarist on the Schoenberg!!

    1. ...never knew that - not that I could name (m)any..!
