17 December 2017

A Journey Into Stereo Sound ...an introduction to ffss - Decca 1958

A Journey Into Stereo Sound ...an introduction to ffss

2 files zip FLAC  Mega Download  

Decca  SKL 4001  1963 pressing. Matrices: ZAL3941 -6E / ZAL3942 -7E.

Original surface / CD-RW transfer.  NOT ON CD


  1. I actually own this album. Bought second hand in the 1970s.

    1. Quite a few copies currently on eBay (have 3 - differing matrices). Dunno why it remained 'popular' in the catalogue for more than a decade as it seems rather pointless (as with other similar of that time -like the 1958 EMI SDD1 (have)) - especially at the price - but thought it had some curiosity-value. Actually a very popular download: so no accounting for taste!!
