08 August 2013

Wilhelm Schuchter / Philharmonia - Kodaly. Hary Janos ... Dohnanyi. Ruralia Hungarica - Parlophone 1955

Zoltan Kodaly:  "Hary Janos" - suite    
Ernst Dohnanyi:  "Ruralia Hungarica", op.32b  - suite          
2 files zip FLAC  Mega Download
The Philharmonia Orchestra  conducted by  Wilhelm Schüchter  
Parlophone  PMC 1017   1955 LP/matrices: 2XMG 45 -1N / 2XMG 46 -1N   
Recorded: 31 Dec.1952 / 1 Jan.1953  -&-  10 Nov./ 31 Dec.1952                 Not on CD
'Hary Janos' receives a laid-back performance. The gorgeous 'Ruralia Hungarica' has very fine playing.
The original LP chosen instead of the 1966 MFP reissue (MFP2042) due to greater depth/ambience - though with less inherent treble clarity.     November 2015: '1.2' declick + very slight treble EQ    Sleeve-note >>>


  1. Thank you for sharing this album.


    1. Doubt if anyone else would bother!

      The MFP pressing had the distinction of being the first LP I'd returned to EMI as, on my 1968 'PYE Princess' stereogram, the image 'wandered' from left to right - so was given Konwitschny's Wagner Overtures (stereo MFP 2110) as a replacement - Czech pressing.

      The Dohnanyi is mostly quiet music - and LP mastered @ not a very high level.. but the 'surface' is rather good for a 1955 pressing..

  2. I've only come across a few Schuchter recordings other than this (and I think I have that MFP somewhere); a "New World" and a Lohengrin from Hamburg, which shows what you can achieve if you just treat it as a romantic opera, and aren't overawed. Its a lovely lyrical performance. WS is one of the great overlooked generation - just before stereo came in.
    Interesting that the Konwitschny MFP was a Czech pressing - I have it on Supraphon, probably just a different centre label.
    thanks again
    Andrew Smith

  3. I've just Amazoned him, and am astonished to see 67 hits, although many of them are off-air or just accompaniments to arias. I recall very few mainstream LPs, but I'm prepared to be corrected.

    1. Hello Andrew,
      The Czech pressing of the Konwitschny (from SUAST 50134) presumably was a near one-off, as the Ancerl's on MFP I think were from the late '60's EMI masterings for Hamlyn's 'Records for Pleasure' Supraphon catalogue (@17/6d).

      There's another Schuchter on MFP - 2058 - BPO/Rosenkavelier 'highlights' (an odd choice!) - not listened to that (it's also on CD).
      The remainder in the UK catalogue were those 'Concert Classics': don't have/avoided - and 2x10"of Handel Organ Concerti (have one: I think 'Satyr' uploaded both - with the Philharmonia).

      I could've added Sargent's RPO: Dohnanyi 'Suite' to this (mono or stereo) - but it's on CD - and he doesn't seem to 'get the hang' of the composition (likewise his Dvorak: Sym Variations..)..

  4. Im listening to Ruralia now, beautiful sound

    thanks again!

    1. EMI's of this vintage tend to have 'luxuriant' sound; not necessarily matched by later LP transfers (although the 'detail' can become clearer).

      This series of Parlophone LP's (MGM issued in the 'States) has sunk-without-trace - and had almost no LP reissues.

  5. I've searched for this recording of the Dohnanyi for over 50 years. The best ever placed on recording. I am interested in the Suite in F# but can't seem to locate it on cd or in any other form anywhere. Thanks so much for you work.

    1. These 1950's Parlophone's really are elusive (although I tended to ignore them, decades back) - also have as a US release (on MGM). his Philharmonia/Colas Breugnon.

      I'm pretty certain the Sargent Suite in F# mentioned above was on CD (EMI Studio ?) - my LP's are the original HMV ALP + the original ASD stereo matrices on an Australian WRC.
      As you can see, I'm less than keen on Sargent's performance - and I don't upload 'recent' recordings (the Turnabout below was released in 1977) -but will give the HMV 'another listen'...

      Also have the Suite (c/w Nursery Variations - Bela Siki) on Turnabout - Seattle SO/Katims.
