31 January 2013

The Boskovsky Quartet play... Dvorak. String Quartet 3 - Decca 1951

Antonin Dvorak:
String Quartet no.3 in E flat major, op.51  
I: Allegro ma non troppo  ~  II: Dumka (Andante con moto - Vivace)  ~  III: Romance (Andante con moto)  ~  IV: Finale (Allegro assai).
2 files zip FLAC  Mega Download   
The Boskovsky Quartet:   
Willi Boskovsky, violin - Philipp Matheis, violin - Gunther Breitenbach, viola - Nikolaus Hubner, 'cello
Decca  LXT 2601    1952 LP/1951 Matrices: ARL 793 -1A / ARL 794 -1A     Recorded: c.March 1951 - Brahmssaal, Vienna   
(Mint LP: Very lightly 'de-clicked': mvt.3 has a few slight traces of 'scrape/swish').   Not on CD  (April 2013:  480 4715)
EMG review/sleeve-note  >>> 


  1. Thank you - for this as well as your many other recent uploads! The instruments here sound wonderful and this is without a doubt the best performance of this piece i've heard - highly lyrical.

    1. A very nice performance (re-eq'd for the old Decca curve used here); so a mystery why it hasn't been available for 55 years...(also why I numbered it #10...)

      The slightest trace of de-click was used - mainly for some low level 'noises' - also as there isn't too much 'fine-detail' to damage with such software...but the instumental tone-colours are quite realistic.

      Also have the not-on-CD Chigiano/Dvorak mentioned in the EMG review (also their Shostakovich) on original LXT's

    2. Before hearing this i thought Prague String Quartet rendition was as good as it would get.

      And i for one hope you consider both the Dvorak and Shostakovich for future "releases" - though i'm not at all familiar with Chigiano Quintet or the "Grillers" you mentioning them must mean something..

      Thanks again, not only for this but for your blogs in general.

    3. I see that I scanned the Dvorak/Chigiano sleeve as long back as March 2011..but decided the editing (as with so many ancient Decca LXTs) was too tedious: however new(er) software might make these possible...the Dvorak is an excellent performance (and LP recording for 1950)...but don't have the 1960's ACL reissue.

      Never listened the Griller Qt all that much (not too highly rated by EMG..): in fact have never listened to 2 LXT's of Bloch Qt's since buying them in 1986 - or the Shostakovich LXT / Mozart + Haydn LX...

      I'm forever planning to 'shut up shop': so may do so without warning!

  2. Hi Tin Ear, Having enjoyed so much of your work I'd like to thank you for the Boskovsky Quartet playing Dvorak - but unfortunately I cannot as I have no idea how to download via ZS. Whatever button I press and however long I wait, I seem to achieve nothing, Any chance you (or one of your many "readers") could tell an old technoklutz what he should be doing? (To give you an idea of my level of expertise, I once did have to admit to a colleague on the IT helpdesk that indeed the PC was not plugged in!)

    Andrew Smith

    ps Please don't shut up shop - we need you.

    1. BLIMEY: Wooden-Spoon Award!!!

      Top RH Corner: fill-in the wretched 'captcha'
      THEN: click on 'Download Now' - which lies directly underneath

      If there is a screen 'pop-up' - dismiss that.

      I've just done the above 'routine' on Firefox..no problemo.
      If you have 'no luck' email me and I'll upload a file to HottieFile.

  3. Wooden Spoons are useful - I've just put up several kilos of marmalade. Thanks for explaining - in my defence I hadn't actually noticed the thing in the top RH corner - I think the cleaners may have moved it overnight (that's the excuse I used when my PC was unplugged). I tend to aim straight for whatever I see in the middle of the screen and ignore the periphery, which may be why over the last 50 years several magistrates have occasionally insisted that I refrain from driving. Probably age is the factor - I predate all computers but Colossus.

    Now that I hear it, I have to express my gratitude. I very much prefer recordings such as this that place the players right in the room with one - it feels rather like eavesdropping while they play for their own pleasure.

    So, no shutting up shop, please.
    In gratitude

    Andrew Smith

    1. This even sounds gorgeous via the Laptop setup....
      (I hope it isn't due to using 'de-click' software!!)

      So now you can download some other Zippyshare files.....
      As to the 'closing-down: everything must go' sale: INEVITABLE (and advisable..)

  4. Well, prompted by those last remarks I have been indulging in a frenzy of downloading those old WRC/EMI LPs over the last few days. The work you offer here is so useful and valuable that I would be upset to see it all disappear; the record companies now are interested more in their profits than their archives (which is understandable, they have shareholders to please) and quite frankly I find the sound you coax from old recordings (with a nod in the direction of Anthony Griffiths) has far more life than the average CD remastering - its all to do with that 20KHz cutoff point, I know, but I'm no expert, You should be soliciting contributions, but you've been over that ground many times before. Please accept a sincere expression of gratitude.

    Andrew Smith

    1. Hello Andrew.

      As you can see, other 'vinyl bloggers' have/are in the process of giving-up: and I don't blame them!

      I did a trial installation (with 'control-panel' faults..) of a DMX6Fire 24/96 soundcard (bought about 3 years ago...) on an old Dell desktop: this left me with 'Algorithmix' de-noising etc; which Bill Anderson uses, inter-alia, for his 'convincing' 78 transfers: so there might be an 'improvement' in that direction.

      The blogs are 'popular' (come @/near the top of Google Search) - beating 'a certain competitor'..and currently most files are downloaded in good quantities (ZS shows me 'days remaining') but, as mentioned, can't do many more (non-vocal) in the HISTORICAL category as am missing certain Griffith transfers (Busch, particularly + Hardwick's Vol.3/5 Beetoven Schnabel's).

      Overall, there seems no sensible 'economic model' for this lark - other than charging for individual downloads: and, aside from a few cases, doubt if there would be much interest: so all I would have made - minus expenses is = to A Tenner p/a....

      I do have plenty (vast quantities) of these old 1950 LP's - but have mostly steered-clear of them; often needing some form of 'noise-reduction' - or, additionally, requiring wet-cleaning: something I've expressed an unwillingness to do due to their inherent 'value'.

      But I really am 'drifting-away' from these blogs - and there are many many dozens of scans of 'not on CD' intended transfers that I would see little/no response to: thus very easy to 'find another hobby'.

      But those 78-LP transfers at least already had 'noise-added': the latter-day reduction of which probably leads to the 'loss of life' remarked upon in the 'comments' - and, aside from the mid-80's 'digital-glare' HMV Treasury issues, I'm rather pleased with the CD-RW dubs: which, despite some assumed drawbacks, avoids 'computer noise' - which I've seen plaguing other folks efforts: so they are 'accurate' in more ways than my 'non-interfering' editing-method...despite the drawback of some (inevitable) very minor 'surface-noise': which I assume many people subsequently employ some form of de-noising.

      Anyway: the latest Chigiano was transferred direct from the rip t the de-click software - then minor editing via Audacity: so if there are 'faults' it would be down to a much 'speeded-up' process..
