18 May 2012

Wilhelm Furtwangler / Vienna Philharmonic - Brahms. Symphony 1 - EMI 1952

Johannes BrahmsSymphony no.1 in C minor, op.68
IUn poco sostenuto - Allegro  ~  IIAndante sostenuto     
IIIUn poco allegretto e grazioso  ~  IVAdagio - Allegro non troppo, ma con brio  
2 files zip FLAC Mega Download  
Wiener Philharmoniker  conducted by  Wilhelm Furtwangler  
HMV  ED 270124 1   1985 German EMI pressing/matrices: A-4 / B-4 Live recording: 27 January 1952 - Grosser Saal, Musikverein, Vienna.  
Compare this to the identical LP   sample mp3 - of mvt.1  on  Mr Pristines site >>>   "glorious and so transformed">>> .....???  
"....but now we hear them in Andrew Rose's meticulous remastering.....  Don't miss these performances, now to be heard in the highest quality restoration. "   R.E.B Classical CD Review - July 2012... Wonder why this Brahms Sym.1 transfer sounds So Superior, Mr Barnett....   Sleeve-note >>>


  1. Anonymous21 May, 2012

    Thanks for the Furtwangler. He was one of the greatest ever.

    1. ..and you have 'broken the duck' - after 365 downloads!

      Had intended uploading this some months back - in conjunction with an excellent Decca ACL transfer of the Franck Symphony - but, as this was such an easy one to edit, it came 'hot foot' after the 'competition'..

      Funnily, despite his 'greatness', it appears his LP's sold pretty badly in the UK: the HMV ALP's are very scarce except for a few titles.

  2. Anonymous23 May, 2012

    I am new to your blog nice work., I dont find the page where you tell us about what turntable cartridge preamp and other equipment you are using
    how do I get a personal message to you?
    I am okla rural audiophile I have 6000 classical vinyl I wish somebody would help me arrange rip and sell get message to me at yu hoo anon2012xx

    1. Hello..

      Seems Ive never got around to creating some stand-alone pages - but have occasionally mentioned in these Comments the PU Cartridge/s being used (have some 30 types/stylus combos - 6 decks/3 systems - all top-class) - but if the work sounds 'nice' its mostly that I dont use noise-reduction/EQ and generally fake-them-about...which 'everybody else' seems to do - invariably to the detriment of the recording.

      This Furtwangler likely had some sort of noise-reduction used before being transferred to LP: the cartridge/system used was the same as for the Mahler: Klagende Lied on the main blog - which shows the wide variation in LP sonics - which Ive always attempted to retain: not create something (un)'amazing' - as Mr Pristine trumpets, weekly.

      Contact can be made via the old GoogleGroups site - which I used before starting these blogs in 2008, viz: http://groups.google.com/group/themusicparlour

      PS: I wish I had access to some more US LP's - as generally prefer them (50/60s) to the UK issue: the same as I would prefer EMI UK masterings to the French/German variants - which are mostly too 'smooth'.

    2. Hi Tin Ear,

      After reading your reply to anonymous above, I just wanted to chime in and say hello and let you know how much I appreciate your website and the work you are doing.

      About 10 months ago I was wandering through a thrift store in Seattle, Wash., not far from where I live (in Olympia) and discovered the immense selection of cast-off LPs. I hadn't bought a new record since about 1990, and only a handful of used ones, but what astounded me was that people were basically throwing away LPs that might have gone for three or four bucks in your typical used record shop in the 1980s. And ever since, well, my living room has been getting more and more crowded. I don't know what the situation is like on your side of the world, but here it seems easy to buy vinyl by the pound. The stuff that interests me the most -- jazz, big band and classical -- is in ample supply in virtually every thrift store and used record shop, and the prices are so low, ranging usually from 30 cents to $1 a disk, that it's almost as though they are paying you to cart it away. I start getting a nosebleed if a store wants more than a buck. There's just too much out there. You constantly see articles in the press saying "vinyl is back," but the reality seems to be that really not that many people want this stuff cluttering up their homes anymore.

      It is a situation that may persist for another 15-20 years, I suppose. In the 70s the thrift stores used to have mountains of 78s, but they seem to have disappeared. And yet I keep running across some of the very earliest LPs.

      Anyway, lately I've been listening to a lot of early '50s mono classical records, and I guess it was natural that I would find my way to your site. The work that you have done to clean up and represent these records is incredible, and it inspires me to think I might do the same. Obviously you must have some effective method of cleaning the records and getting out the grit, and you must use some sort of pop-and-click removal program, and I would guess there must be some method you employ to remove the surface noise. I'm just wondering how you go about it, as eventually it might be something I would like to do as well.

      I also note that you must have found some sort of an effective method of scanning the record jacket art, which is sort of a problem given that scanners generally don't scan more than an 8 1/2 by 11-inch page. (I'm pretty good with Photoshop and understand the techniques involved with image restoration.)

      Well, if you get around to posting up some sort of how-I-do-it file, I think it might be helpful to folks like me who have the same sort of interest. Thanks!

      Erik Smith
      Olympia, Wash.

    3. From my perspective eBay has had an unwelcome effect!
      I effectively stopped buying LP's in about 1986 (after about 15 years of 'serious collecting' - with about 600 LP's: primarily bought for the performance - or the music wouldn't be on the Radio too frequently)
      At that point (1986) started buying 'secondhand' - and then @ Auctions - where decent 78/LP collections would infrequently turn up (usually having been bought over a similar 15 year period) ..but, for almost a decade, they have not - at least not in this area: so aside from a few bought @ Charity Shop, there's not much chance of my acquiring many more.

      eBay is a source of fascination due to the deranged prices demanded for (what used to be) common LP's: so an effective reversal in pricing - when, indeed, in the mid-80s, what are now valuable (?) LP's were in shops @ about the $3-30 merk (Martzy/EMI being the latter price).

      It all depends where you are; but, obviously 'playing an LP' isn't what it was - and that increasingly due to the very expensive PU Cartridges: hence they are not really wanted for actual use (those that are 'collected' are likely to go unplayed - mostly just viewed as an 'asset'..).

      At least eBay has proved a boon (at least when I bought most of my 'stock) as the Furtwangler above, was played with an $1100 Cartridge that cost me $25 ('as new')....

      My scanner has been Kaput (due to over-work) for almost 2 years: each sleeve is invariably a composite of 4 scans...

      I did 'demonstrate' my method on 'Vinyl Asylum' some years back: it's merely using washing-up liquid - which the above mostly are: so, apart from minor 'tick' removal, they are 'raw files' - as you would hear by just playing the LP - with no Noise Reduction utilized - and quite deliberately so.
      However, my wholly 'manual' method of tick-removal (using Audacity) is invariably time-consuming; and wouldn't be viable if the LP's weren't essentially 'as new/immaculate' condition..

      Here's the link to the Vinyl Asylum comment (in 2005)..

    4. I have to admit my thrift store finds are usually far less than pristine, particularly the LPs that interest me the most, the ones from 1948 to 1965 or so. But I guess I've learned, via the Internet, that most of the ticks and pops I hear are dust and dirt rather than actual damage. I'm a guy with a budget, I'm afraid, using equipment that ordinary mortals would consider pretty darn good, but certainly wouldn't impress audiophiles. It'll be months before I can even dream of one of those fancy high tech vacuum record cleaners and some sort of steam cleaning device. But I'll admit I've gotten astounding improvements experimenting this last week with vinegar-based Windex and a rinse. Makes me wonder what further is possible.

      I guess I'm just constantly astonished by the disparity between eBay prices and the actual "street value" of records in thrift shops and used record stores. Many are not rare, but still, when I can buy an classical box set for 30 cents, saving it from the dumpster, and then see it on eBay for $50 -- there is a bit of a thrill. Makes me recall all those times back in the '70s, when I was a lad, when I'd see those vintage 78-rpm "albums" of classical performances go through the thrift stores and friends-of-the-library sales for a buck or less, and many of the 78s in the $20 range on eBay could be had for a nickel. What can be done today to make those records sound great again is just astounding -- the files posted on the "Shellakophile" website blow me away and make me wish I'd bought 'em with my paper-route money when I had the chance. (At least I can say I bought most of the Spokane Public Library's reel-to-reel collection when it was disposed of 30 years ago -- and I still have it.)

      But in the LP field, I have to say the results you've been posting here are astonishing, as good or better than commercially available CDs, obviously done with great care. Keep up the good work! And I guess it offers a confirmation to me that maybe I'm not crazy to buy old Red Seal and Masterworks records by the pound.

  3. Thanks for reuploading this! i have his earlier Brahms 1st from 1947, nice to see how this compares performance- and sound-wise.

  4. dear Tin Ear, your work on this recording is really worth praises.
    don't waste the time on listening Andrew Rose's restoration masterpieces and reading eulogies to him.
    you're doing your work, and do it quite well. leave those extolled to the skies mediocre works for those who love them.
    lot of thanks for this wonderful transfer and restoration.
    аффтор (afftor)

    1. I can't deny that I find the 'comparison' interesting - especially as 'almost anyone' should be able to hear the worsening of sound-quality caused by all the various 'gizmos'; so get rather annoyed when I see the end-result being praised (not least by the Perpetrator!) as it equals, to me, 'dishonesty'.

      An LP such as (and of this date) requires no 'restoration'- it simply plays-back with little need for 'editing' which, unfortunately, is not the case with most that I attempt - and they are, invariably, 'mint'..

      I was listening to a few minutes of the 1937 Bruno Walter/Vienna PO 78 set of Brahms #1 - and 'you can get away with murder' using 'noise-reduction' on those objects - so may give it a try (I think I've a couple of the Columbia Weingartner Brahms albums + the Walter/BBC Brahms 4 (and the Abendroth/LSO..): though would always (theoretically) be interested in transferring the 1950 Krips/LSO Decca - my favourite version since a 6yo..(the stereo Kubelik #3 is quite decent too..).

      But I find the, now near minimal (in most cases) downloads an absolute disincentive to doing much more..

    2. Thanks for your great work. This is a wonderful record both artistically and as sound.

    3. One of my 'spot the difference' uploads: and 'threw 'a very expensive PU Cartridge @ this LP.

      I was surprised at how wonderful the performance was upon first hearing this (having read unkind comments about Furtwangler/having few LP's).

      I see 'the competition' has very recently offered (but not 'free') the Schneiderhan/Beethoven VC (live 1953) from a cheap 1970's Heliodor reissue: an LP which possibly sounds 'better' than the transfer I also have in the original Furtwangler Memorial LP box-set).

  5. I find your justified criticisms of Rose's "restorations" absolutely amusing and informative. I hope you keep up the fantastic commentary as well as the fantastic transfers, it really does sound far better ;)


    I know this may seem sort've random but considering all of the historical artifacts present here I might as well ask; There isn't any chance you happen to have Enescu's recordings of Bachs Violin Sonatas and Partitas, would you? It's been horrendously mistreated in a collection of digital transfers which is a damn shame considering the god-like interpretation.

    1. Sadly 'no' re: the Enescu. (I would have to charge even more than Mr Pristine does to be able to 'afford' an LP set...and probably would snuff-it long-before editing some utterly dire Remington LP's...).

      Mr Pristine provides the 'proof' himself: I just provide 'the comparison' ;~)), 'funnily', in the case of this LP, he really needn't have 'done much': but faced with a barrage of 'tinkerer's tools' he probably can't resist more than a bit of 'tarting-up'.

      (If I were you I'd complain to the various online 'pundits' who are 'deaf' to his maltreatment of other people's recordings!)

    2. Thank you for the speed reply. And yes, I realize how much of a shot in the dark it was. The Enescu is extremely rare from what I hear, so I suppose I'll have to settle with my Philips.
